Monday, February 21, 2011

Killing me softly with his... blog?

welp... I blog now... teehee!!!

I decided my first entry would be my most important. This should help set the "tone" for what is to come. I figured I should start the ball off right, with a message that will touch the hearts of millions!!! Pretty epic huh?? I thought so...

I worry so much that we are coming/changing into a very dark world. It seems to me the term "do for self" has almost taken over the way we think, work, and carry ourselves throughout our daily grinds. I wouldn't say I disagree with the old saying "work hard, and you can achieve anything", but I feel the perspective of all of this has somewhat been warped over the years. I think it slowly morfed (thats right, I said "morfed") into "work hard and I can HAVE anything", and on into a whole new lifestyle where the basis is "I DESERVE everything"... for the most part, cut out all of the working hard business altogether.

It is our human nature to want, desire and feel we "need" things. Don't get me wrong, I want things as well. As Christians, we yearn to be more like Christ, who showed an epic amount of compassion to others that we will never see in our lifetimes (epic = word of the day) I don't want my blog to be about pushing my beliefs on you. If you aren't a Christian, I want you to be able to read what I write, and take from it with good faith that my advice/thoughts will help you in your life, even if you have not yet taken a leap of faith into a relationship with God. The point I want to make is whether you are a follower of Christ or not, you should want to be a better person and hope and pray for the advancement of your fellow men. Right? (if you are completely destroyed as a human being and have no respect for human life altogether, I fear for my own life, because as you ahve found my blog, you now know who I am)

We are all in a stuggle. We are all dealing with problems. Fighting your own fights and walking over anyone that gets in your way is an extremely dangerous way to live. Imagine a world where we everyone pushed over everyone else. Me first, you.... well... I could care less about you. A world so selfish and is a world in chaos. If enough of us act this way now, and enough of us set a selfish example for our childrens, this could easily be the world people someday live in. A world where the human race not only lives like animals, but we live like the most savage animals that ever walked the earth.

I urge people to remember this when you see someone, anyone, anywhere, at anytime. That person is going through a day. A day in his/her life. That person weeps at times. That person hurts at times. That person has had moments in his/her life where they feel so broken down, that they contimplate whether or not they could ever end it all. You've felt this way. If you say you haven't then you are lieing to yourself. Lie to me all you want. I'm just words on a computer screen. But come on man, don't lie to you. You should be able to trust you. Don't let you down. Now think of this. It would be so incredibly easy for you to do something to help this person out. "But I'm busy" you say... "it won't be easy" you tell me...  I guaruntee it would be. Whether it be opening a door, giving the "what up?" head nod, smiling and saying "how yah doin?", or letting them into your lane on the highway. Shocked aren't you? I said it would be easy. But it doesn't surprise me you are shocked. I knew you would be. Seriously though. These little things affect me. They affect me everyday.

:Look at it like this... say I'm you... I'm stressed about stuff... maybe its work, money, the Cubs... and now here I am... grinding through a day... But wait... now I'm going on with my life... going on with my grind....same as always... but with a small piece of warmth in my heart. Because some else noticed me... They noticed I was working through a day, in my life... and that person decided that they could do something so small, to make my day just a tad bit easier... that person decided that this morning.... I wouldn't have to open the door for myself when I walked into Kwik Star. I take this piece of warmth, and it makes it so much easier to to go out of my way to do something small for another traveler, grinding through a day in the life.