Monday, March 28, 2011

Why is baseball so great?

As you've probably noticed (since I'm guessing you clicked on my blog-link from Facebook) I enjoy baseball. I love my Cubs, but I flat out enjoy the game of baseball. Why Boomer? Why do you enjoy this game? Well, Boomer's narritive voice, let me tell you...

Unlike most sports, baseball has no "clock". There are no quarters, shot-clocks, time run-outs, ball spiking or periods. The game is played, and the game is played until the game is done. No ties, no shoot-outs. There have been many times I completely blew off other obligations/planned activities because a game blew past the traditional three hour mark (the average most pro-sports hold) and continued to watch a game well into the um-teen innings/5-7 hour mark. A game of baseball, could last forever...

"I enjoy going to games, and watching them at a ball park, but I just can't fatham myself sitting and watching a game start to finish. Sooooo boring". Ummm... whaaaaat?? Obviously you aren't grasping what is happening before your eyes. There's a dude on the mound, and he can bring good stuff all day. With ONE bad pitch, the game has completely changed. Yeah, there may be some throws to first, couple looks to second, maybe a few foul balls. In an instant, the magnitude of what you are seeing can sky rocket to epic (may I say... life changing?) proportions. Don't get me wrong. I've taken my fair share of naps during games, but the fact is even during extreme pitching duels, there is so much you are still seeing. Yes, home runs are cool but they are only a small aspect of the game. The event is hardly bore. Remember, one swing of that bat or one bad pitch can bring so much happiness to your world or completely rip all hope from your pathetic, sad little grasp. Look at the game as you would look at potential engergy. The possibility (potential) of an object or substance (batter/pitcher) to do work. Anything could happen, at any moment, and you have no idea what it is going to be.

"I might follow, if they brought it down to a sixteen game season" Der-da-Der!! "See, I can handle football cause it's once a week and my puney brain can handle once a week". Sorry. I, went a little far there. Is one-hundred and sixty five games a lot of games?? Yep. Does that bother someone that truly grasps the concept of baseball?? Heck no. In its entirety baseball hardly lasts much longer than a complete season of football w/ its camps and pre-season games. What you're not seeing is this. Match-ups, stats, hot-streaks, cold-streaks, and stats and more magnificent stats. As any fantasy baseball expert knows, baseball is a huge numbers game. A season is an all out war between the clubs. A season is bloody struggle and an extreme test of endurance for a ball club (and fan). Who can get hot and stay hot? Who can beat their rivals away? At home? In a dome? (stay in the zone?? hahaha... rhyming here) Who can stay healthy? Who can hit for power? Play with speed? Strik-em out? Hold arm strength? Keep their bullpen consistant? Look cooler when they spit?

I know I'm missing a lot, but there is one last thing that must be mentioned.

The no-hitter.
Hands down, single handedly, the most remarkable achievment in any professional game. Either for a mortal man to compete at such perfection as a no-no; he must bring his "A" game, have his fellow ball players play their positions with perfection and himself, recieve a great deal of luck. Now think of this. If a pitcher is in the middle of a no-no, obviously there is no offense on one side of the ball right?? In most cases there is little offense on the other side as well. So the game may seem a little "slow" to the feeble minded. However, there is nothing I would rather be doing, than be caught up watching a no-hitter un-fold between my own beautiful blue eyes.

So. If you still find yourself being a poopy pants towards all the "baseballers" talking about Opening Day or their fantasy teams or about Pujols going to the Cubs in the fall, just ask yourself this. Am I moron? Have I really taken the time to understand the game of baseball? Do I breathe with my mouth open?? If you are still troubled by this concept, I will answer these questions for you. Yes-No-Yes. Learn the game. Keep your baseball negativity to yourself. Try some breathe right strips or something because your breathe smells like a hobo's pocket and your lips are like super chapped bro.

sometimes... you just gotta add a picture of He-Man to your blog post... simple because... it is what he would have wanted.

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