Saturday, December 31, 2011

Late December back in... 11???

Welp. Happy 20 to the 12 everyone!! I am very disappointed in myself for my lack of blog entries. Lets add that to the list of changes this new year. However, a blog entry on New Year's eve is pretty epic right?? Thought so... It's been one hoot of a year that is for sure, and I'm so jazzed to be able to tell you about it. Best year of this handsome boy's life. BUT... fret not 2012, I've got a pretty good feeling about you...

So... 2011.... let me recap the blog worthy events...

One full calendar year without a cigarette. I'll do a sparkling grape juice toast to that bad mama-jamma of an event. On a down note, I think I'm about 20 pounds up from where I was at in the beginning of the year.... totally sure these two things have no relation to each other. As far as my living situation, I moved on up to some sweet, sweet residential comfort known as my parent's basement so I could afford to start the Vineyard's two year ministry program "VLI" (Vineyard Leadership Institute). I've learned a great deal thus far and cannot wait to see what next year brings in Biblical studies, spiritual formation and ministry training. So much to learn, and the more I do, the more I realize how much I don't know.

I had some pretty sweet road trips and attended some pretty great things this year. The year started off with a trip to Green Bay with the bro to see the Pack beat the Bears to get them into the playoffs (and then continue to win the Super Bowl). That was a once in a lifetime trip... Thank you mom and dad!! I did not make it to Wrigley this year, and honestly... I don't think I missed much :) I think they were okay with a year off of my presence. Music anyone??? well... I saw John Mark McMillan twice... Jars of Clay twice... and David Crowder Band... how many times??? oh yes... it was two times I believe... odd... Great trips, great time... but I think the top show was seeing "Annie" at the playhouse in town with my grandma. I was fighting tears the entire show... it was fantastic... I love a good tear-fight war.

So... the biggest punch in my 2011. I have grown in my relationship with God in ways I never thought possible. God has really slapped me in the face and said "DUDE!! lets like actually hang out... and not just talk about it." No longer was Jesus okay with being a "cool edition" to my life, He wanted to be the main event and I am so blessed to be slapped in the face by the Davidic King. I always knew I would be in ministry someday, and this year being involved in youth ministry has been the most rewarding year of my life. Getting to hang out with them, teach them, learn from them... and just be a part of their lives has brought an overwhelming peace to the desire we all have in our lives to be purposeful. God has a perfect plan for my life and as I let go of the plans that I had made, I find true meaning and a true peace of who I am, where I am going, and what I am doing. I've crossed a line in the sand where one side, you know God rules, but on the other side you let God rule. After you've tasted the sweetness of what blindly following Jesus has to offer, you would never want to return to the other side. My only regret is not crossing that line earlier.

with this, I lost some good friends this past year, but I've gained some great ones. I've shed some tears but I've shared a lot more laughs.  I guess I never thought I would be almost 30, single, living in my parents basement... and honestly say "My life is good and it has never been better!!". Oh so funny, but it so is true. God is using me to do epic things, and I am still going to make a ton of mistakes, but I trust in Him and he will always bring me back on track. My heart yearns for others to have what I have, and come to know what I know, and experience what I've been able to experience. We are all called to live this way and we never actually live until we lay our desires down to follow Jesus with your whole heart. I'm not perfect, we're not perfect, and we never will be...  but we cannot afford to NOT give Jesus our efforts... Luke 9:23... let that be your anthem for 2012...

So... I want to make my New Year's resolutions extremely public... in hopes that millions of people will hold me accountable :) Please... refrain from judging... the fact that I still struggle with some of these things may appall you.

1. texting while driving--- I know, I know... I'm a horrible person... not to mention a law breaker... but this needs to come to an end today!! I will answer my phone, I will read a message... I will look at the clock... but I resolve to not actually type a message while driving my vehicle, your vehicle or any other motorized transportation apparatus. (does Facebook count?---kidding.... or... am I?)

2. swallowing gum--- I'm not 100% sure of the digestive science on this one... but I've just got a bad feeling about the whole deal. I resolve to keep my Wrigley's out of my esophagus.

3. swearing--- I've come leaps and bounds in this department... but unfortunately... with the incredibly in depth potty/sailor mouth I've developed over the years of working with car dealers and listening to the devil's music... it is going to take a few more leaps and bounds to bring this fault to a close.

4. useless Internet time--- man... If I only knew the amount of time I've spent aimlessly watching Youtube videos, Facebook stalking and searching new and far for funny pictures of cats and mullets... Thank God I do not know... but never the less, lets resolve to cut this down a bit.

5. blog--- this needs to be happening, and not just on holidays... Writing helps me to fully grasp how blessed I am and to focus on a bigger picture view of everything God is doing in my life... I enjoy this... and I think the three people that read my blog do too :)

Thank you Jesus for a great year and thank you for even greater years to come!!
I hope you all had as fulfilling of a 2011 as I did, and I hope to see you in 2012!! And I also hope, that maybe you buy me a sandwich and maybe some Starbucks when you see me ;) I sure do love you all!!

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