Monday, July 4, 2011

Full House

Welp... I am one month into another stint of living with my wonderful parents, and I must admit, this has been the most interesting and amazing stay yet.

For those of you that don't know, I enrolled in the Vineyard Leadership Institute and am residing with moms and pops for a spell to pay for some of the tuition. You with me?? Well try to keep up. I don't have time for lolly-gaggin for life is happening now!!!

A few thoughts that have stuck out over the past month...

I remember a childhood thought "how come mom and dad go to bed early? They are grown-ups... they can do whatever they want!!! When I'm a big person I'm gonna stay up all night!!!" Well... at age 27, I tell my mom goodnight and hit the sack around 9:30.

I was home on my lunch break the other day and got yelled at for DOING the dishes.

My mom and I argue over who gets to mow the lawn.

There is food in the house now. (odd)

I wonder if my parents could possibly spend anymore time watching t.v.

I make my bed... every day.

Pops walk around the house in boxers now (no more whitey-tighteys)

I use a different towel every day, as opposed to one per month.

I have to beg my mom to not touch my laundry

Did I mention there is food in the house now?

My nephew eats green beans as a snack... ummmm...

Sometimes my dad has ice cream for supper.

The living room t.v. is for CSI, NCIS or Law and Order. The back room t.v. is for super-loud movies...

I guess all of this is really amusing. There are so many differences in the relationship I have with my parents now from when I was younger, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I can talk to either of them about any aspect of my life, as an adult would visit with another adult. They still think they're right all of the time, but then again, so do I. Perhaps this aspect will be the "control" in our little ongoing  experiment we call family. :)

Being a single gent for a number of years, I've either lived by myself, or one other person and I am usually in very low-key, low traffic living environments. My brother and I are under the same roof with the old man and Mrs. Smith again, but my nephew Carter is along for the ride and often visits from the bro's old lady. This is quite the commune I have landed in. No complaints however. I am so blessed to have such an awesome family around me, and have enjoyed this last month tremendously. I get to have my little nephew as my roommate and hang out with him before work in the morning. I get to chat with my mom about girls and God. I get to grill with my Dad and listen to his stories of survival in this crazy world. The bro and I get to take late night dips in the pool and quote movies. I had no idea how amazing this would be. I know it won't last, but I am going to enjoy every minute of what will probably be, my last stint with the rents. It is such a blessing to stand back and take a look at what God lets me do.

I've got a couple of really great Dads.

Thanks God! Thanks Pops! Love you Mommy!! Much love bro!! Love you Carter!! Good-night John-Boy!!

ps... Carter would like to say something... "I am saying wee wee... I'm saying I got two flashlights!! Wee wee!! I got two flashlights!! Here is a ruler. There is some lines up here, and there is some lines up there.", says Carter.

"What else would you like to say?" Uncle Boomer asks...

"I wanna say saw-wee... saweeee SAWEEEEEE!!! I got my tape measure," replies Carter, with extreme relish.

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